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Build a high quality Browns Gas electrolyzer that will exceed th
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welding hydrogen hho water H2O oxyhydrogen run car on water browns gas electrolyzer gas milage conspiracy gas
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Nov 1, 2008

Browns Gas 
Book 2 two 
Build a high quality Browns Gas electrolyzer that will exceed the performance of ANY known commercial machine to date 
by George Wiseman 
Browns Gas. Book 2 presents a simple electrolyzer design that can be built quickly, with inexpensive, readily available materials, using standard workshop tools and abilities. Further, it can be built to huge sizes. 
This Do-It-Yourself version is not only more efficient than the commercial units, but will teach you all you need to know about your electrolyzer: its design; assembly and operating parameters. So, you�ll be able to fix it yourself if anything goes wrong. 
HHO gas hydrogen electrolizer fuel from water 

this is amazeing. a tortch that can burn up to 7000 degrees or higher and burn right through a brick and its fuel comes out ouf your tap. with a little imagination one could run their car off of this stuff or at the very least they could SIGNIFICANTLY reduce their gas consumption. I would like to see someone build a steam turbine generator that would power a home-- big bucks to the guy that can do that. this is also something that can suplement or even replace the gas in your car. 
good luck!!! 
PS. dont let anyone discourage you--- this is not psudoscience!! just do a google search on "browns gas" and you can see that for yourself. 


The only thing is that the electrical energy required for harvesting Browns Gas is more than the energy yielded burning the gas.
Still useful for welding different metals together etc.
Also, Browns gas Implodes (all other known mixtures explode), thus can be used for low-cost vacuum -> desalination etc.

Used to know Mr Brown (God rest his soul) personally.
@maini4ka: It doesn't "implode" at all. ALL explosions result in a "vacuum" of sorts being generated from the fast expansion of the explosive and the gases created from the reaction that caused the explosion.. If gas expands outward, something must rush into the spot where the explosion was . . . right??? Even TNT, it is used to extinguish oil well fires, like in IRAQ, they set all those well heads on fire.... Our guys stopped these fires by exploding a few pounds of TNT above the burning well head, the "vacuum" causes a loss of air needed to continue the combustion of the oil. SO in this way, the well fire is put out... BROWNS GAS doesn't "IMPLODE" like you are describing... I personally filled a balloon with HHO (browns gas) and put a fire source under it, and yes, it exploded.... so violently, my windows on the back of my garage were all shattered and cracked. Here is my accounts of YULL BROWN... he never held a degree in anything much less electricity. I worked with a researcher & manufacturer of hydrogen/oxygen gas generators during the mid- 1980's. I am a welding engineer and entered that particular business fresh from a senior technical position of 10 years with a prominent fortune 500 group. I eventually left the hydroxy gas generator industry in 1990. During my tenure with the company I co-authored several patents related to combustion modification and flame thermal map manipulation of stoichiometric 2H2O2 gas mixtures (often called Browns Gas however incorrect this naming is). At this time I became directly involved in litigation proceedings with Yull Brown. Unfortunately, my colleagues and I wasted a considerable sum of money investigating Brown and his mostly ridiculous claims.

Hearing Brown referred to as a "Bulgarian physicist", "world famous scientist" etc. is extremely nauseating bull****, the man had been coaxing money from gullible investors, morons and unfortunately, innocent little old ladies in Australia for years in the late '70's and mid '80's. Brown asserted that he had been for many years, a professional electrical engineer with Asea Brown Boveri (ABB). It was discovered however, that Brown was formerly employed by ABB as a somewhat more lowly, electrician. Furthermore, Brown unashamedly claimed the title of 'professor' (bestowed by the University of Life Sciences). When contacted in 1986, the 'University of Life Sciences" was actually a residential address, NOT a COLLEGE CAMPUS ADDRESS, but a plain old residential address of an apartment building. (Chicago I recall), a housewife answers the telephone, she knew of Brown because he and the woman's husband had set up this "university". (her husband by the way, was unable to come to the phone because he was actually at his daytime job driving a truck somewhere). Professor ? - yeah, right!

Brown liked to quote Dr. John Bokris. I contacted Dr. Bokris at Texas A & M University in 1986. He knew of Brown but denied supporting his claims or having any involvement with Brown other than allowing Brown to store one of his primitive machines at the (rented) office at Texas A & M.

Brown 'borrowed' his electolytic cell from an expired patent (Rhodes, I believe) who was possibly the forerunner at the Heynes Company (nice guys-producing good quality,small machines for the jewellery industry in the U.S. since the '60's). In latter years his cell designs were I believe, probably borrowed from the preliminary concentric nested tubular designs of "Dr". Alvin Crosby in New Zealand. "Dr." Crosby was originally one of Brown's licensees but was forced to radically re-design Brown's machine to make it work. I became friendly with Crosby and subsequently discovered he was not a "doctor" - his sole qualification was that of automobile electrician. The "doctor" handle was used to lend credibility to "The Brown Gas Roadshow".

I object most strongly to the term "Brown's Gas" - who did he think he was ? Faraday ? Cavendish ?
Using funding from a prominent New York merchant bank, we experimented at great length with